Wednesday 14 January 2015

Mind map


On our first day, we were trying to do a mind map that can analysis easily.Because of we didn't think the collective living space is a problem.Thus, we tried to find out some problem that can caused by collective living.

Collective living space is defined as three or more unrelated people who comes from
different cultures, religions or countries choose to live together and it may occur some
problems.I am incharge the part of expense and limited space.

• Improve communication
• Tolerate
• Try to understand each other
• Improvement on personal hygienic habit must be enhanced
• Keep the unit clean
• Allocating task for doing chores and setting up rules
• Set up the rules to control the volume and  contract to abide by "house rules" for
everyone's benefit
• Reduce noise at the source by using different types of absorptive material can be
used to control interior noise
• Get into the habit of switch off the light before leaving the room
• Use the natural light during the day as far as possible. For instance, installing
transparent windows to allow the sunlight
• Use less as far as possible electronic products such as computers to save
unnecessary cost
• Choose some more power savings of electrical appliances
• Adjusting the output of light which is sufficient to reduce power supply
• Cutting off power supply of the TV and computer when not in use
Limited Space
• Use a double decker bed to bring out more spaces
• The proper of using transparent materials, such as glass, can make the space
more spacious effect
• Share dresser with the roommate
• Light colour can be choose for using as ceiling and wall
• Different combination collocation of the lighting can effectively strengthen the
flexibility of space

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