Saturday, 21 February 2015

Research of collective living space- bibliography

bibliography :

This is a passage that talking about the collective living in Walthamstowand specify works to fix all of their problems .Besides, they also share their experience of living together with others.

This website is describe some details about the collective living space.We comprehend about the problem very clearly on this website.


<CUBES August / September 2013>

<DCRS Decorations>


<Living in a nutshell>

This book is suitable for the small space design.It was inspired me on how to DIY and recycle some useless thing such as tin , a table that will be discarded transform to different useful thing.This book was inspired me how to arrange and take full advantage of the space.

<Inspirational Homes>
All it really takes to create a stunning home is inspiration.Inspiration is a magical quality,a flash of insight that can come from anywhere. Simple, even unlikely objects like a translucent saree, a retro-look bathroom top or the impetus for a whole interior design theme or daring colour scheme.
This book was very inspired me to the design of our topic-collective living.Our main problem was the limited space as a lot of people living in a small space.Not all the homes featured in this book have been the work of design professionals.Creativity is not exclusive to interior designers. As the many exciting individual efforts here show, all our need is an unbridled imagination .

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Empathising problem of collective living space


    What will happen when the peoples were came from different places at all levels, different races ,culture live together in the same environment? This is a challenge to them. The conflict is always arise in human relationship especially between people come from different culture and religion. The most closely related urban housing cooperatives. These models are often features simple living arrangements, often under one roof. This is possible, even more challenging to share a small building.
 Conflict is always arise between human relationship. Firstly, conflict cause of cultural and religion. For example , Malay people cannot eat pork , but some people they don't understand . They eat pork at home and cause the Malay housemate feel uncomfortable . Besides, the expense of house also bring conflict .They will share the electronic and water bill together evenly. Each people use the different electricity consumption .Some people maybe will not satisfied on it because they think this is very not fair and unbalance. They are need to use the toilet at the same time because of their working time crash each other , this will cause inconvenience and quarrel to fight to use the toilet. 

    In conclusion, this conflict will solved if they communication well each other and set the rule . Communication as "a body of people living in one place ,district ,or country" and the way that people interact to each other. People must tolerate to each other , this is the path to get along with each other.