Friday 3 April 2015

Design- wireless lamp

Wireless lamp
-Wifi Charging
-easy to carry
-LED Light
-touch screen to switch on or off the light
-arrange it to different position of lighting anytime
-Adjustable brightness

It can solve the problem of limited space by place it in different position and make the room looks more spacial (visual) and expense , it is more power saving .It also provide the function of solar energy and last longer use.It can be connect the wifi within 100 square meter. Control the brightness by the remote control.

 Designed the position by yourself. It can place any where you want in term of within the 10 square meter from the wifi connection.


My idea is come from the bluetooth wireless speaker.


Compact Portable Bluetooth Wireless Speaker with NFC

Never before has such powerful and well-balanced audio come from a small compact booklet-sized speaker. With the Sound Blaster Roar, we've achieved the impossible by taking an impressive bi-amplified 5-driver system (including a kickass subwoofer) and shrinking it into a size no larger than a dictionary. The result: a speaker that is smaller, lighter, more stable and more powerful than any other speaker of its class. You'll have to hear it to believe it.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Research on design solution

Privacy pop bed tent will be protect our privacy which living collectively.It is light and can travel anywhere now, folding down into a small carrying case for use. sometime the roommates are sleeping but you still on the light of the room for maybe rushing your work until midnight.Base on the design of reduce the outside light, you can do your work until midnight in the room and at the same time ,no worries about your lighting will be effect your roommate cannot to rest well.

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Interview - conclusion

There are 3 personas including the workers , the interior designer and  student.They are all consider to living collectively of the reason to cut down the rental.They all were faced with different problems yet the same situation.Three of them faced the different problem which is limited space of room, the time of rest is different with her roommate and the owner touch her privacy with came in her room without her permission.

From the problem that they were given, they solved the problem in different ways. The interior designer was found that her problem was the space is too small and she is living with the other 2 peoples in this small space. As she is a designer so she was have an idea about the position of the furniture will effect to the space and she was install some multi-functional furniture. Fortunately, her roommate and her owner were consent the idea and support her with sharing the cost.The worker was faced the problem of privacy . Her owner was came in her room and opened her letter without her permission. She is very angry but she try to control her temper and try to talk nicely to her owner and the owner was never came into her room and touch her things without her permission already.The student was faced the problem that is she cannot turn on the light after 10pm because of her roommate was sleep earlier and she always done her homework until late. So, she prepared the desk lamp to continue do her homework. Even though she prepared her own desk lamp, but she still cannot continue her work at night because of her roommate was very sensitive to sound. Therefore, she wake up earlier and continue her homework by next morning.

After this occurrence , all of the 3 personas learned the same things although they faced different problem, they solved the problem by the same way which is tolerate with each other.They have discuss their idea or dissatisfaction to their roommate or owner. If they were not living collectively, they will never have this opportunity to learn how to get along with the other and solve the problem together.

Interview 3- worker

Xue Er is a worker who comes from Kluang, Malaysia. She earns money by herself for furthering her study as she wants to ease the burden of her parents. In order to save enough money for furthering her study, she has to rent a room which is around SGD350 

per month and living in cooperative. So rental is the most important thing that she will 

consider before renting a room. Finally, her rental meets her budget. She is currently living 

and sharing a room with others two people in Ang Mo Kio. Living in cooperative has both its 

pros and cons. Pros can be share rental and resources, improve the skill for conflict 

resolution, stronger social networks and others. Cons include conflict, hygiene, noise, 

limited space and others. However, privacy is the most difficult problem that she faced 

when living in cooperative and she is not prefer to live with owner as there was a time, the 

owner went into her room without permission. However, there's a rule in tenant contract 

shows that the owner must not check or simply go into her room. She was angry but she 

tried to control her temper. She talked to her nicely and then the owner never go into her 

room after all. Also, she has faced this problem from her roomate too. Her roomate has 

opened her letter without permission. She felt that this was a sign of disrespect of any way. 

So to be on the safe side, she has decided to buy a lock catch to lock her drawer and kept 

her valuables in it.

Tuesday 24 March 2015


  • For this survey, we have 10 answered in total.
    There are 61 respondents who answer our online survey question. The people who answer our question more than half of them are international and 29.51% are local. Base on our research , there are a very minimum local will rent a room in Singapore because Singapore is a small place and they can get home anytime just need less than 2 hours. But some of them also choose to rent a room because they found that it was waste their time to reach school or work and sometime they will late because of traffic jam .40 of them are people of age 11-20 and there are 16 people is around age 21-30.This is because of a lot of respondents are student and most of them are foreign students.They are compel to rent a room and most of them are living collectively.
    Out of 61 respondents with more than half of them are living collectively and they are living with more than 2 people in a room .The following 22.95% of respondents are living with a people and 19.67% are living with 2 people.The rental is usually divides equally of each people and it's means that the more of the people living in a room , the cheaper price to rent a room.They'd like to save some money especially student who don't have ability to pay a lot of rental and they will make a decision to live in student hostel. Besides, the workers that are low income will rent a house collectively with lower rental as well. The range of budget had been shown most of them will consider to rent a room that is less than 400.The following will be 400-500, 500-600 and more than 600. Its is very clear most of them are rent a room cheaper which is below 400 dollars according to they live with more people.
    The sixth question is about what kind of housemates that they prefer to live with.43 respondent are prefer to live with student .This is because of they will consider to live with some people that can match to their daily routine. Some worker they will just back home at night and they need to sleep early.So, some of the student they do their homework until midnight will disturb them. Besides, they have same topic that can talk to each other and easier to make friends. Out of 61 respondent, there are 33 of them prefer to live in cooperative and 28 of them prefer to live in condominium.The number of both is very close , but most of them live in cooperative.This is because of the rental is quite expensive without sharing room. Why they prefer to live condominium is because of they have enough privacy, space to do their own things and the most important is they don't have ability to pay the rental or they want to save some money on the other used.

  •   Most of them will take the location of the house to their first considerate before renting. This is because most of them will rent a room that is nearby the working place or school. They can save the transport fee and they will have no to worry about traffic jam or waste their time on the way to work .They will a lot of people will consider the rental before renting a room and some of them consider the amenities.Question number 9 is asking about is they prefer to live with owner and the 47 of them do not prefer to live with owner. They will feel like controlled by the owner such as they are not allowed cooking in the house and cannot bring their friends come to their room, easy to conflict with owner and they will feels like no privacy at all.Some of them will prefer to live with owner is because of they can easy to consult with the owner about what they need in their room and there will be orderliness and clean.Sometime ,the owner are able to help you and solve some problem on repair something such as the light bulbs burned out quickly .
  •      When question link to the last one, we asking about what is the most difficult thing they facing when living together with others.They think the communication is very important and difficult when you live with a stranger and they also worried about the different culture,country and different language in use will make the communication more difficult and sometime maybe misunderstanding each other. Some people they think there are lack of get along with the people and the house hygiene.
  • .

Thursday 19 March 2015

Interview 2 -worker

      In order to find out more information, I interviewed my elder sister that living collectively with a stranger.Her name is Mart Yeok Chin , 23, female , chinese. She come from Malacca, Malaysia. The reason that make she chooses to living collectively with the others is to cut down the rental. The range of her budget to rent a room is below 650. Her rental before is SGD375 per person because of the room just have 2 person including my sister in the room. Now, she is living with the other 2 peoples in the room and rental is SGD300 per person. She will consider the environment first before renting a room.The most difficult thing she face when living collectively is space constraint. The space are very limited for her to place her things. She always consider to buy multi-functional furniture or folded furniture in their room. Besides , she also install the top hung cabinet in their room. Besides, she also design the position of the furniture in their room as she is a interior designer and she could use some software to plan it. The rental is including the utility bills so the owner just allowed them to turn on the air conditioner at night and set the time as 6 hours per day. Because of her roommates was interviewed by herself. She chat  with her roommate with is also come from Malaysia via social network before and know about her more information then tell the owner that her roommate'd like to rent the room . So she doesn't worried about living with her new roommate. She also found that her roommate is keep the room very clean and neat.She also share the housework with her roommate such as clean the bathroom and so on. Moreover, she is live with a family that have grandmother to grandson around 5 person in the house .She said that her owner is a very kind women that once she cook some dessert or soup , she will share with them .She very enjoy when living together with the family and sometime she will chitchat with the owner with her roommate.She think this is the most benefit of collective living to her.

Friday 13 March 2015


In order to find out more information, I interviewed my friend that living collectively with a stranger.Her name is Chuang Jing Jie ,19, female ,chinese.She is a student which is study 
at Nanyang Academy of Fine Art. She is come from Malaysia , Johor Bahru. She rents a room in Toa Payoh Lorong 2 ,nearby Toa Payoh Mrt Station with a women that above 40 
years old. She compelled to choose this kind of living style in Singapore as she can afford the payment sharing the rental fees with her roommate. She is living with a women now and there will have 3 people living in a room in the future because of the owner will continue recruit 1 tenant in the room.The range of the budget to her for rent a room is within SGD300. Finally, she found this room with rental SGD300 within the budget and including the utility

.Before she rent a room, she will take the rental fee ,convenience , cleanness of the room under consideration.The most difficult thing that she face when living together is she cannot turn on the light until midnight. So that, she have prepared her own table lamp complete her works until midnight.This might be disturb her roommate but she cannot 

change the fact that she must finish her homework and submit on time.Besides,the other 

problem that she found that was very difficult when live together is because of her 

roommate is very sensitive to the sound. Sometimes,it's very hard to her to do the certain 

works as the little noise will be produced when she do the works, it will wake up her 

roommate when she do her works in the midnight. So that, she was forced to wake up early 

morning to carry on her works.She can talk to somebody and there will not alone when living together.On the other hand , they can share out the work such as clean up the room or

bathroom.She is live with the 
owner and she said that she is not prefer to live with the owner because most of the time the owner will pay the attention to her that whether checking of use too much of water & electric.She will feels like getting controlled by her owner.Overall, she is very s
atisfied with the collective living with the other and she said the more important

thing to live together will be tolerate each other.